Customer inserting their credit card into a point of sale system

Choosing the Right POS System for your Business (+2 free resources)

Choosing the right point of sale system (POS) for your business can be tricky and time consuming with so many options to choose from and oftentimes hidden fees. Over the summer, DNEP’s point of sale intern team created 2 resources to help business owners select the best point of sale system for them: 1) Point of Sale Cost Comparison Calculator and 2) One page overviews of the most frequently used POS systems and a comparison guide. 
How to use the point of sale resources: 
What to Consider When Choosing your POS System:
Sofia Wynn, one of DNEP’s point of sale interns, shares key …

In House Delivery Guide

The in-house delivery model allows businesses to control every aspect of their operation from the moment the order comes in, all the way to the door of the customer. This option works particularly well for businesses with small and tight-knit consumer bases that are receptive to your promotion and communication. While it is costly to get …