Delivery Service Revenue Calculator

August 2020
Revenue calculations on a computer

The Delivery Service Revenue Calculator will help you:

  • Compare: Compare the various third party delivery plans offered through Doordash, Grubhub, and UberEats.
  • Input: Plug in a few numbers from your business, and we will calculate the incremental revenue your restaurant receives on an average order after commissions.
  • Evaluate: Evaluate whether the plan meets your revenue goals, and we will suggest price optimization if your goal is not met.
Delivery Service Revenue Calculator spreadsheet screenshot

How to Download the Delivery Service Revenue Calculator:

  1. Access the interactive Excel spreadsheet here
  2. Go to File > Save As > Download a Copy to download your own copy of the Excel spreadsheet
  3. Follow along with the instructional videos below and start inputting your data. 

Note: A list of important terminology is included at the bottom of the page to be referenced as needed.

Instructional Videos

Doordash vs. Grubhub vs. UberEats
Remote video URL

Video Overview:

  • In-depth comparison of the costs, benefits, and differentiating factors between Doordash, Grubhub and UberEats
  • Details on the commission structure for nine different plans across these three third-party apps are explained 
  • Review key advantages of each service through our comparison chart

Key Takeaways:

  • Best for low fees: Doordash
  • Best for marketing flexibility: Grubhub
  • Best for third party hybrid option: UberEats
Which 3rd party delivery service is best for your business?
Remote video URL

Video Overview:

  • Learn how to use the Third Party Delivery Revenue Calculator to find the expected revenues across the various delivery plans for an average order
  • Input three numbers at top of model to calculate incremental revenues for each plan and a goal revenue for the average order
  • View menu price increase recommendations for plans that do not meet goal revenue criteria

Click on the Links Below to Sign Up Today: 


  • Adjusted Order Total: the order total you need to have to meet your goal revenue
  • Average Revenue Per Order OR Average Order Total: the average revenue you earn per order in a given amount of time
  • Commission % of Order Total: the percentage amount you give up or lose per order total
  • Commission: the amount of money you give up or lose to another party
  • Commission on Average Order: the amount of money you give up or lose to another party per average order total
  • Delivery Fees: a payment made to another party to deliver your product or service
  • Delivery Fees Rate: the percentage amount of money taken from each order for delivery services
  • Goal Revenue: the amount of money you want or hope to earn
  • Goal Revenue for Average Order: the amount of money you want or hope to earn per average order total
  • Incremental Average Revenue Per Order: the average amount of money you earn per additional order you fulfill
  • Incremental Revenue: the amount of money you earn per additional order you fulfill
  • Marketing Fees: a payment made to another party to market, advertising, or promote your product or service
  • Marketing Fees Rate: the percentage amount of money taken from each order for marketing services
  • Order Margin: the percentage or amount of money you make per order when take away cost
  • Order Processing Fees: a payment made to another party to process the order of your product or service
  • Order Processing Fees Rate: the percentage amount of money taken from each order to process the order of your product or services
  • Order Processing Fixed Fee: an unchanging payment made to another party to process each order of your product or service
  • Recommended Order Total Increase: the percentage increase you need to charge for your product or service to meet your goal revenue
  • Revenue: all the money you receive from selling a product or a service
  • Total Fees: the total amount of money you pay to another party
  • Total Orders: the amount of orders you fulfill in a given amount of time